written by Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan
This take on the age-old problem of "making training sticky" is spot on. The fundamental concept is: "let's move the finish line from the training event to a point past that in the workplace with behavior that produces results."
So, rather than "welcome to this training class" the approach would be more along the lines of: "welcome to this program that will help you improve your on-time delivery of your service by 10% in the next 90 days. We will begin with this training class and your manager will be focused on helping you implement the changes needed to be successful!" This focus on the power of the immediate manager/supervisor to make or break positive outcomes from learning is clear, concise, and useful.
I am aware that this principle is not new, but the approach to the principles taken in this book is excellent. It may well be what you need to read and understand so you can make the change you have known for the last few years that you need to make.
Also, the Fort Hill website is wonderful! http://www.forthillcompany.com/. Watch all of the videos. Then click on the arrow to the right (it's greyed out so it looks like it's not available) and watch the five extra videos. I particularly like the one entitled "Follow it Up."
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