Accountability Series

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Crucial Conversations

written by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler (

Crucial Conversations focuses on a, if not "the" problem of our age, tough conversations.  As the digital world pulls us further and further from face-to-face communication experience, and as popular culture promulgates communication as a series of put-downs, snide remarks, and clever jabs, our collective ability to effectively hold difficult conversations may be slipping.

A delightful aspect of this book is that it avoids the victim approach that suggests that you somehow have your act together while the people around you are defective.  A brief and helpful overview of what physiolocially happens when we enter a tough conversation explains why we are often at our worst at the very moment we need to be at our best.  A simple suggestion to diffuse that physiological effect is helpful, as are the tools proposed.

I highly recommend this book as a foundational primer for effective and influential communication skills.  Not only will it give you tools and perspective to dramatically increase your ability to be a respected communicator, but it is fun to read.

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